Dinosaurs & Chipmunks

Maya asked me the other day why I never color my drawings, so I had her pick one of my sketches and I would color it. I decided to color it digitally though, that way I could use textures and filters. I think it turned out pretty good.

One of my favorite cartoons growing up as a kid was "The Alvin Show". Recently Maya and I watched a few episodes on the Youtube. They don't make cartoons like this anymore. I love the cartooning style, background art and humor, not to mention the Clyde Crashcup segments. Anyhow, Maya really enjoyed it and drew my this picture...The Chipmunks and Stanely the Eagle. I think Stanely is waving.

Heart Felt Toons

Ok, the title is extremely cheesy...but here are some characters I came up with recently while drawing w/ Maya. Then Mirm got the craft-bug and made felt versions of them to put on some kids clothing.

Drawn Together.

Maya is growing so fast. Sometimes I want her to slow down, but as she gets bigger, so does her interests and talents and I love that! Maya's new favorite thing to do (the past 3-4 months) is draw and that couldn't make me happier! As long as I can remember I've been drawing and as a kid growing up I loved to draw superheros and cartoons. I quit drawing both of those once I went to college. Now 14 years later...at work I was able to draw old school superhero versions of our management team and now Maya has rekindled my love for cartoons. So, our new favorite thing to do together is sit down at our dining room table, listen to music and draw together. Here are a few of those drawings.

This is Maya's drawing of a "Caccoon" (Raccoon), a flying bird and the sun. She has just recently started adding details to her creations (hair, stripes, feathers, ears, etc.) I love the way she draws birds. On the right is my drawing of a Raccoon.

This is Maya's drawing of a dinosaur, I'm not sure what dinosaur, but it's definitely a carnivore...look at those teeth. Again, on the right is my dinosaur, if you couldn't tell.

This is one of my favorite drawings of Maya's and I love that she called him "Tinny the Robot". In this one she decided to add knee caps, fingers and an apple tree (I drew the worm though). My robot... no as cool as Tinny.

Hello World!


I know, I know...not another blog. That's right, the Quillen's have decided to join the other 133 million blogs floating around in the ever-expanding blogosphere. With an estimated 900,000 blog posts being puplished in a 24 hour period (look at me throwing around the tech numbers), we figured why not! Actually, we wanted a way to share our creations with friends and family while also keeping a personal journal/record. Therefore, a blog seemed like the logical thing to do.

So, from time to time, hopefully at least once a week, we'll be posting images of creative stuff we like do, whether it be a drawing of Maya's, an outfit Mirm sewed, something I sketched, a food recipe we love, some home renovation we completed...you get the picture. Pretty much anything that ends up coming from the right side of our brains...we'll most likely post.