Hello World!


I know, I know...not another blog. That's right, the Quillen's have decided to join the other 133 million blogs floating around in the ever-expanding blogosphere. With an estimated 900,000 blog posts being puplished in a 24 hour period (look at me throwing around the tech numbers), we figured why not! Actually, we wanted a way to share our creations with friends and family while also keeping a personal journal/record. Therefore, a blog seemed like the logical thing to do.

So, from time to time, hopefully at least once a week, we'll be posting images of creative stuff we like do, whether it be a drawing of Maya's, an outfit Mirm sewed, something I sketched, a food recipe we love, some home renovation we completed...you get the picture. Pretty much anything that ends up coming from the right side of our brains...we'll most likely post.
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1 Response to Hello World!

March 15, 2010 at 8:24 PM

love the blog, can't wait to see what's next!

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