Worm Hunting

This picture was made by Me. This is me and Poppa and we were hunting for worms today. There was a bird up in the sky with the sun and clouds. We looked for worms under logs.  When we found some we put them in a bucket. We caught seven. (In the picture) There is Me with a bucket, Poppa with a water bottle, grass, worms, rocks, a mushroom, a flower and a big centipede. - Maya

I thoroughly enjoy Maya's fascination with and love for all God's creatures (except spiders). She not only loves cute fuzzy animals, but also the not so cute creepy crawlers and slimy slithers that hide under rocks, logs and even in your basement. So, now that spring is here Maya is having a blast playing and exploring on our property.

Yesterday, Maya came up with the great idea of starting a worm farm. So today, we went worm hunting. As Maya says "It was a great adventure!" I was so proud of her. During our hunt, I lifted up a big decaying log and there was this big worm inching back into the dirt. Maya, without hesitation, grabbed it, held it up to her eyes as if to inspect it and said "here's a fat one Poppa!" Above is a picture of our big adventure.
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